Our adoption benefit was a success! We raised around $4,300! We were blessed to have close friends put the event together without cost (labor, musicians, venue, raffle baskets all donated) allowing each cent that came in go to Baby Keeney. All we really did was show up. We enjoyed hearing/watching the talented Erie as Folk, Kristin Major and Grady Spencer and the turn-out was amazing. The place was packed out! I remember looking out from the stage to a full house and seeing so many faces I didn't even know. Since Magnolia Motor Lounge was open to their regular guests we were amidst people who were unintentionally participating and some decided to take interest and be a part. It was beautiful.

I enjoyed meeting new people, loud conversations over the noise of the crowd, the awesome live music
and getting to share our story with everyone (even though I'm not a fan of public speaking :)). I was so overwhelmed by it all. I kept telling Ryan, "I just want to pause time and take this all in." Different moments through out the night God would give me glimpses of the depths of His grace in my life (And if you know me and who I was apart from Jesus, you know this to be true!!). He would give me a vision of something I wanted, and insisted on or begged him for and then showed me this picture of what He had instead. He is so much better and His ways are far greater and more joyful. My cup overflows! He is so good you guys!!
With continued generous donations after the event, the expenses for our adoption are now fully covered. Woot Woot! We had the first part of our Home Study last Wednesday Feb 13th, which was a 4 hour interview with our social worker reviewing our paper work. We are so thankful to be working with her. She made the whole meeting relaxing and enjoyable. We are scheduled for the last part of our Home Study this Friday and then we will wait to be approved. She expects that we should have our approval letter by the week of March 11th. And then we wait. We wait for the birth mom that is carrying our sweet babe to choose us. I'm just so ready!